Tuesday 18 October 2011

Photoshop painting

Some photoshop painting done in class

Painting A Pumpkin

Start with halloweenish background gradient

Add some texture

Add a snake to the corner

Add a skull to the other corner

some variation to the background

Darken corners

Start on the pumpkin painting

Giving some volume

Adding the top piece

Finishing sharpening

Final piece

Sunday 16 October 2011

Run animation cycle

Here is the process work for my run cycle animation

Developing the character


Moving illusrator layers to flash frames

Adding some sky and ground gradent

Adding bushes

Adding second layer of bushes

Adding mountains

Live tracing some planets

Adding planets to the scene and finishing the cycle.

Thursday 18 August 2011


The original idea was to make something in style of 80's, with plain bright colors and no gradients.

Color pallet taken from

Some asset sketching

 I started with the original concept of plain colors.
 After adding the shadow, I didn't like what I've got and decided to add some texture to the background.
 Adding screen overlay
 Adding some typography element from my sketches
 Adding second texture to overlay
 Adding some shadow around the corners
 Adding ape vector element to top right corner
 Adding chupacabra vector element to bottom left corner :)
Adding my name
Adding the main typography element

And finished product photo-shoot

Total budget for the project is $16 for print