Saturday 28 May 2011

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Big Tooth the Bunny

Here is my first sketch from DMA 179DA class.
It is an evil demon bunny by the name Big Tooth.

Before turning into a demon Big Tooth had a name of White Foot. White Foot was a superhero bunny, defender of the forrest's.  White Foot was taken from his bunny parents right after the birth. He was grown by a hermit wizard in a cave deep beneath the earth surface. While being exposed to magic and potions White Foot Acquired his superpowers. White Foot was a bunny of enormous size with ability to stretch ears and smell even the slightest change in the air. Any power has two sides light and dark, slowly White Foot was consumed by the dark side of the power and became known as Big Tooth.

Brainstorming Names:
-White Foot
-Long Ears
-Round Tail
-Big Tooth
-Carrot Killer

Brainstorming Superpowers:
-Super Jumper
-Super Strength
-Super Strong Teeth
-Stretchable Ears
-Super Sniffer
-Super Runner
-Super Size